Real Friendship

I have been assuming extremely about friendship lately. For the most part those bond that we all have with somebody. The verifiable, faithful and pure bonding. Surely we all have communities in our lives who meet and separate- our childhood, our school, our collage and everywhere in life. But after a maturity level of my life- very grateful for few characters in my life, who always my near & dears. 

Actually  friends are not seasonal part of our life. I thought the ones that can read not only your words but also your silence. The buddy I can honestly look at and they know what I am feeling. Someone who you trust will hold you and your hope with bottom of 💓Heart.

Why We need a true Friend 
True friend is our emotional & psychological needs in this stressful era. Some times we can't share our personal problems in family. To face all that stress, challenges of life with courage we need a support.

With them ,you can be real & ordinary. There is no demand for any build up and introduction. They will understand what is the reality of your heart. With a true friend there is zero requirement for a false praise and all. A real buddy can tell the truth about you, which may cannot express by any other person and family members. A friend keeps you entertained on every path of life. 

A new Harvard research concluded that having strong friendship bond in your life even support & develop mental health.

Hey Friends! Be sure it's never too late to make new friends or reuniting with old friends. Investing moments in build up friends and nourishing that bond can pay off in best health and a dazzling outlook for years to come. 
Keep searching new friends and hold old buddies.🤗


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